Tail and mane eczema, also called SME, is caused by hypersensitivity to the substances in the saliva of midges (Culicoides). Gnats are very small mosquitoes that often hang together in clouds. Horses that are hypersensitive to the midge will have an allergic reaction after being bitten, which manifests itself as severe itching of the mane and root of the tail. Abdominal itching can also occur.
Just one small mosquito can cause enormous itching. The mosquito is mainly found in the Netherlands. Because these mosquitoes are not so happy with wind and sea, they are less common along the coast and the percentage of horses with SME is therefore also much lower in those areas.
The midges usually appear around April and are there until the end of September. In mild weather, the gnats come earlier or linger longer. Some horses are naturally more susceptible than others, for instance breeds such as the Friesian horse, Shetlanders, Icelanders and Gelderlander horses are more susceptible to SME.
The abdomen can also participate, and in some cases a horse only suffers from itching on the abdomen. In such cases, MES and its associated cause is a bit more difficult to recognise. Furthermore, symptoms only occur in spring, summer and autumn, as midges do not thrive when it is cold.
When horses get extreme itching on the mane comb, tail root and possibly on their belly in spring, it is often tail and mane eczema (summer eczema).
If you still want to be 100% sure, a vet can determine this for you. However, they will only look at symptoms that you can often diagnose yourself. As mentioned above, horses with these symptoms are sensitive to the saliva of the midges. It is important to provide your horse with a good eczema rug (note: a simple fly rug often does not work sufficiently).
You can reduce the symptoms by washing the tail and mane with a PH neutral, mild shampoo. This soothes the skin and reduces the horse's tendency to shed.
Use a soothing cream that supports the skin's ability to repair sensitive areas.
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